An example of a greetings ad (two-columns, growing).
Give it a try!
In this example of a greetings advertisement you can try the following Stylo functions:
Growing height
The ad has a growing height. If more text is entered in the text boxes, the ad height increases. The decorative frame also adjusts and decorative elements are added or removed depending on the height.
Ihr Augenmerk sollten Sie bitte auf das Bild auf der linken Seite richten: Wird mehr Text eingegeben, so wird bei dieser Anzeige das Bild immer in der vertikalen Mitte der Anzeige gehalten. Dafür wird im Stylo die Funktion »Relative alignment« benutzt.
Background colour and corner type
In this example, you can see that a background colour has been assigned. You can do this using the context menu. Here, you also have the option to load a background image instead of using the background colour or to set the colour to transparent.
Placeholder text
Write the text in the text frames and the grey text is replaced. If you forget to overwrite text, you will be reminded by the ad system later, that you should overwrite the text or delete the text frame..