Upload images

Load images over the context menu

You can load images from your computer into the ad or the image frame over the context menu of Stylo. It is set in the administration of Stylo which image types are permitted in ads and wether the upload of images is permitted.
It is considered during the upload wether yoy marked an image frame or not. If you did not mark an image frame the desired image is placed in the center of the ad.
After uploading the image you may change the image position and size and eventually create an image frame (including lines and corners) and select the image detail.
Drag 'n drop von Bildern

Drag n' Drop

Images can also be dragged into the Stylo browser window from the desktop or folders. If you drop the image on the ad it is positioned in the center of the ad. You can also purposefully select an image frame and drop the image there. If you are on top of an image frame with the image this will be shown optically. A prohibition sign indicates wether the upload of images into the Stylo document is not permitted or not.

Permitted image formats in Stylo

The following image types are permitted for the upload im Stylo:
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • PDF (without color conversion in B/W ads)
  • PSD (restrictions are possible)
  • TIFF
The formats JPG and PNG are supported natively, in other formats a preview is used in Stylo. Which image types are permitted in your system can be set over the administration.
Zulaessige Bildtypen in Stylo
Qualitaetskontrolle fuer Bilder

Quality check for images

When uploading images it can be checked wether a certain file size is exceeded. The resolution of images is monitored after the upload process when maximizing/minimizing Stylo. If a certain resolution is undercut a warning or error can be issued for the user.
These warnings and errors are forwarded to the ad system and can also be evaluated there. For example, if the quality of an image is too poor, the saving of an order might be declined.
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